Friday, August 16, 2013

"Through Him Who Strengthens Me"

Just when I tried to look in the dusty but somehow clear mirror and I saw nothing but my shameful flaws, my untold dilemmas and my hideous scars. They reflected towards me in a most painful way. “They are really persevering just to tell to my ears and my eyes that I’m no good.” I uttered.

Yes, I see no beauty in the mirror. I see no joy even when I try to smile the best that I can. I see no contentment. I see no love. All I can see is this plain girl who knows nothing about her future period.
I am pretty much wrapped up in my melancholic-ing forlorn-ing disparaging and confusing thoughts of mine.

My mind is drowning me. My mind is a hurricane. It swallows me and I can’t even breathe. I am a victim of my own mind and my thoughts. I can’t seek for any help. I’m helpless. I’m lost. I wanted to vanish like boom I’m gone.

Why on Earth would I be very lonely like this? Why do I feel this? Why am I always attached to this kind of emotion? But I can’t help it and it’s my fault. I can’t blame the universe neither the stars. It is my choice, my responsibility.

Love. Hate. Insecurities. Confidence. They always argue but the negative vibe always wins.


This came this Man who saved me from the darkness of the darkness of the night. He released me in my horrifying thoughts. I am saved. He's my savior.

To end this, no matter how painful our struggles are, there is a God who loves us. Who strengthens us all the time. There is this God who will change our perspectives. He loves us. He truly does.

And I wanted to close this with a verse from Philippians 4:13 saying:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Thank you, God.

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