Friday, September 21, 2012

Garments Evolution on SG Day

Freshman: It was my first SG Day at Palawan Hope Christian School and I don’t really have any idea at all but I heard my classmates saying they’re thrilled and it will be absolutely fun and worth remembering. I was a member of the Exaltation Team so (Our purpose is to lead the praise and worship celebration.) I wore our club’s uniform. It was in Green color and there’s a printed divine words that form a cross. My first SG Day is such a good start for me to stay in Hope and there are no disappointments. Forever proud to be a HOPEAN!

Sophomore: The new generation of SG Day! The theme of the event is retro and we are required to wear old fashioned styles. I decided to be dressed in an extremely simple outfit because I’m afraid to be overdressed and to be the center of attraction. Seeing my classmates made me deem that my decision very wrong! They’re all prepared with Afro wigs, red lipstick, and etc and then I realized that I should’ve made my outfit better. It was okay for me because it’s just the attire and it cannot decrease the happiness that I must feel that day. My theme was shades of Blue. A loose blue top, red belt, Blue high-waisted floral maxi skirt, some accessories and a pair of pineapple-weaved shoes completed my style. My second year at Hope is just as good as when I was in first year. SG is truly a must attend event of PHCS.

Junior: One more school year to go then we will no longer be studying in PHCS. I gained tons of lessons from academics to life lessons. This time, the SG decided to collaborate two clubs since they’re only few tents. My outfit’s details were shown before this post. I loved the SG Day since it was my first time to sell and earn money. I am a recent technophile member and I’m so happy with my choice! All we do is eating and craving for pizzas! Hahaha! One of the most memorable parts of the event is when we try to fly paper lanterns. Some were epic fails but others flew up and they’re even dancing in the sky. It was such a wonderful experience.

One more SG Day and I will be able to complete my post. It still tells me that one more SG Day and I'll say goodbye. I don’t know what to wear and I don’t have any guesses of what will be the next SG Day but I am praying, hoping, and believing that it’ll be successful.

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